Broken down by category, here's what I've read this year. Some were better than others but I thought all were worth my time.
Ordination ( 1 of 3)
Annihilation (1 of 3)
Horse of a Different Killer
ST TNG Greater than the Sum
Star Fleet Academy The Delta Anomaly, Th e Edge, The Gemini Agent and The Assassination Game.
Saga Vol 1 & 2
Sherlock Holmes The Missing Years: Timbuktu
The Novice, The Inquisition and The Battle Mage
The Hawaiian Quilt
Song of the Lion
The Hypnotist
The Rithmatist
The Ocean at the End of the Lane
Non Fiction:
The Richest Man in Babylon
At Home with Madame Chic
Miracle Morning
The One Thing
Norse Mythology
Little Things
Mindworks and Intro to NLP
Arriving at Amen
The Grace of Yes
Travel Guide to Life
Listen Love Repeat