Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Playful Magic

I recently finished Melanie Rawn's Touchstone (Glass Thorns)   .  I had picked up her Window Walls at my library and after a short reading discovered it was a sequel to this book.  After reading lots of fantasy, Rawn presents the Ogres, Fairies, Picksies, Elves, etc with a different twist - in her world, all these people have intermarried and most of the characters are some mix of these with humans.

Touchstone is about the founding of a magical theater group and focuses on two of the quartet - the "tregetour" or playwright and the "glisker" the member of the troupe that manages the magic provided by the playwright.  The main character, the tregetour Cade, is part wizard and as such, has visions of possible futures.  These visions drive the story.  Who should he hire, what should the name of the group be, how seriously should offenses within the group be taken.

The book reads a bit like a diary - we went here and did this.  The overarching plot, if there is one, is a bit hard to discern.  For the first book in a series ( Glass Thorns), I understand that it is necessary to set the stage for the future books.  However, this was a bit slow, even for that.  If establishing the framework for the other books in the series, Touchstone could have been a novella rather than a lengthy novel (368 pages according to Amazon).

If you want to start a new series, this might fit the bill.  Otherwise, I can only give it a lukewarm referral.