We're getting ready to restart our book club after a break for the Summer at my Parish. We won't actually meet until the end of September so perhaps saying we're ready is a bit premature. It was a bit of a struggle to decide which book to pick. Not so much because my choices were overwhelming but just having to overcome the inertia of not doing it all Summer. Once the book was picked then there starts the wait of getting in in the bulletin and giving everyone 3 or more weeks to read it. Starting late means that we'll probably only get 3 books read and discussed before the end of the year. Trying to read a book in November and one in December is a bit much for our group and our busy schedules that time of year. Now to just figure out how to get more people to join us.
Once my friend helped me pick the book,
Little Sins Mean a Lot: Kicking Our Bad Habits Before They Kick Us
, I became way more excited than I thought I'd be. Well begun is half done is true in this case. I've been reading this book while I walk my dog in the evenings. Short, easy to digest chapters that still manage to say a lot. It will be interesting to hear what others think of it. While we'll discuss it in one session, this book could easily be broken down by a chapter per week over 13 weeks.
This is our second book by Elizabeth Scalia. We read
Strange Gods earlier this year or perhaps at the end of last year.. Based upon what I've read of
Little Sins, I think she's going to go on some sort of autobuy list for any future books she writes. If
Strange Gods wasn't my favorite book club book it would be close. I'd have a hard time deciding which book I liked better - Strange Gods or
Keep it Shut. The later book is Bible study on mastering the use of our tongue. The former is a discussion by Ms Scalia about how we can make ideas - education, political views, etc - good in and of themselves, into little gods by placing them between us and God. If you're on Facebook, I'm sure you've seen this.